Friendly Driver Program Coordinator John Landosky

Headshot of Friendly Driver Program Coordinator John Landosky, Ph.D.Dr. Landosky is a biologist and educator by training, having earned his B.S. at the University of Michigan, his Ph.D. at Western Michigan University, a post-doc at University of Missouri – St. Louis and having served on the faculty at Eastern Connecticut State University. He is currently the City of Little Rock's Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, managing BikePed Little Rock's webpage and Facebook page.  He has created and taught over twenty university courses and is excited to contribute that background to the creation of a strong Friendly Driver Program.

What made you interested in participating in the Friendly Driver Program?

"Many of the same things that made me interested in being the City's BikePed Coordinator.  A city that can be safely navigated by bike, by foot, or by transit is more livable, more economically vibrant, more equitable, and healthier.  It's a privilege to be paid to help make our community a better place.  I'm particularly interested in the Friendly Driver Program because evidence shows that perceived and actual safety problems, more than anything else, is what keeps people from walking and biking more in Little Rock.  This program addresses those concerns directly.  It's also a way for me to apply my teaching background to help create an outstanding Friendly Driver program for Little Rock."

Click here to see when John is teaching a Friendly Driver Certification course.