Brett Budolfson

Photo of Brett Budolfson, voting member of the ATAC.

Brett Budolfson has over 20 years of experience in the planning and designing of multi-use trails and developing well-connected, multimodal transportation networks for pedestrians, transit users, and bicyclists. As a planner and licensed Landscape Architect, Brett brings expertise in urban design and a keen understanding of how to design healthy communities.

With a diverse portfolio as a landscape architect that includes the management of wide ranging of projects, including parks, trails, civic spaces, urban landscapes, transit-oriented corridors, resorts, and master planned communities. Brett is currently working on numerous multi-use trail corridors as well as several municipal park and open space master plans.  He believes that greater community awareness and engagement results in better stewardship and more sustainable, livable communities.

Mr. Budolfson has been instrumental in getting numerous projects off the ground including the Southwest Trail and the Tri-Creeks Greenway.  He serves as a board member for the city ATAC (Active Transportation Advisory Committee),  aided in drafting the Complete Street Masterplan for Little Rock, AR.  He also served as an expert on bicycle and pedestrian design for the Mayor Frank Scotts mobility committee.

Brett is an outdoor recreation enthusiast and you can usually find him on the trails or bike commuting whenever possible. He is an active member of the SoMa neighborhood where he is chair of the Soma501 board, and contributes considerable volunteer efforts for public space and quality of life issues.