
Sustainability Office


The Little Rock Sustainability Office provides education, leadership and vision for current and future citizens, organizations and departments of the City of Little Rock to sustain our environment, enhance our economy, and achieve social equity.


Join the challenge!

Plastic Free July checklist challenge
July 1 - August 5



Plastic Free July is a global movement to raise awareness about plastic pollution and encourage people to take action around reducing or replacing their use of plastic.

The Little Rock Sustainability Office, in collaboration with the Little Rock Zoo and the Green Corner Store, has created a challenge checklist and invites you to learn how to participate, reduce your plastic consumption, and enter for chances to win plastic-free prizes from the Green Corner Store and the Little Rock Zoo! 

Click the pic above to visit the full PFJ resource page!




Green Programs

Adopt-A-Street, Green Events Guide, Sustain the Rock Awards

Recycling & Waste Reduction

How to recycle right!

Clean Energy & Efficiency

City solar and electrification


Sustainability Commission

Program and Policy recommendations for Little Rock's sustainable future

Urban Heat Islands

Learn about our study

Subscribe to Updates

Little Rock Leaflet monthly newsletter

Contact Us                                                                                        

Lennie Massanelli
Sustainability Officer
(501) 371-4586

Ray Partridge
Sustainability Educator
(501) 371-4646