Allison Collection Photos

End of the Road. Washington, D.C. – This Nazi reached the end of his road on this hill in Corsica, where he fell before French patriots. here a French Intelligence officer, with the rank of Lieutenant, remove the dead German’s identification tags, as Corsican civilians look on. Picture flashed to the United States by Signal Corps RadioTelephoto;

This Is One for the Books. Chicago – Somebody has said that one of the first things American Soldiers ask for when they reach Alaska is an ice cream cone (of all things). So to satisfy that unusual craving, Lt. Elfrieda Heideman (left) of Kewanee, Ill., and Sgt. Mary Jane McGuire of Detroit pack a shipment for the northern outpost.;

Mutual Exchange of “Good Luck”. The above photo flashed to the United States by Radiotelephoto shows at a Sicilian port, a British Commando officer and an American Ranger officer each wishing each other “good luck” prior to embarking for expanded operations which resulted in the capitulations of Italy. Credit: (ACME Photo via U.S. Army Signal Corps Radiotelephoto);

GENERAL IKE GETS RIBBONS AND A HANDSHAKE. ALLIED FORCE HQ., N. AFRICA – Bedecked with the Legion of Honor Medal, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander-In-Chief of Allied Forces in North Africa (right) returns the congratulatory handshake of General Henri Giraud after the presentation at Allied Force Headquarters. Credit: OWI Radiophoto from ACME;




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U.S. Troops Landing In Africa.

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Back From “Land Of The Missing”.

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German Troops In Paris France, 1940.

Blitz. London -- Soldier and woman praying (1939).;

U.S. Army Field Hospital In Tunisia.

Siegfried Line Pierced. Germany—Following a path blasted by U.S. Army engineers, an American tank passes through a belt of steel and concrete dragons’ teeth, obstacles in the vaulted Siegfried line near Aachen, Germany. Yank troops went on to finish the job by smashing through the second belt of fortifications. Photo by Andrew Lopez, ACME photographer for the War Picture Pool. Credit: ACME photo via Army radiotelephoto.;

No Title. First telephoto to be released following opening of U.S. Army Signal Corps new direct Radiotelephoto circuit from Naples, Italy. Photo shows bomb bursts scattered throughout railroad yards & surrounding industrial areas at Sofia during record attack Mar. 30 on the Bulgarian Capital. It was the city’s fifth attack of war. Sofia is rail center for most Balkan countries. Signal Corps Radiotelephoto from Acme.;

No Title. This is the new improved version of the P-51 Mustang, escort fighter which accompanied USAAF bombers on the latest long-ranged assault on German industry. This model has greater speed (400MPH plus) longer range, and a higher ceiling, well over 30,000. The plane can be used as a fighter bomber capable of carrying a 1,000-Lb load. USAAF Photo;

TEXAN LEADS TANKS IN ITALY. Maj. Andrew R. Cheek, of Stockdale, Tex., Battalion Commander of a U.S. tank out-fit, leads his tanks into the Battle of Santa Maria Infante, Italy, which was later captured. A knocked out tank can be seen at right.;

Firing in Eternal City’s Streets. ROME—Although the Germans declared Rome an open city and assured the Allies that all troops had been ordered to withdraw immediately, our fighters met more than a little enemy resistance when they entered the Eternal City. Here, as the boys fight their way to the heart of the city, some soldiers lay flat in the street as a German tank burns in background. Credit: SIGNAL CORPS RADIOTELEPHOT-ACME.;

PJ-AIT Over Willemstadt Holland.

Panzer Graveyard. VELLETRI, ITALY—These panzer units of the German Army were caught and smashed by bombers of the Allied Tactical Air Force in a cut near Velletri, during the current drive on propelled gun, while in right foreground and center background, are wrecked tanks. This photo was flashed from Italy to New York. Credit: OWI RADIOPHOTO FROM ACME.;

Jap "Mopper-Uppers". WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This photo, taken during the early fighting on Guadalcanal Island and released by the Marine Corps in Washington, today, shows two well-armed Marines standing next to their "Mopper Upper" light tank, with which they cleaned out pockets of Jap resistance in the fight at Tenaru River. Credit: (U.S. Marine Corps Photo from ACME);

Proud British Home Guard "Civies" And Their Captured German Pilot.

Good Hunting in Italy. ITALY—These Yanks in Italy are not pot-shotting at Mutton, as it would seem at first glance, but are keeping a close watch on the sky for Nazi planes. Sheep graze peacefully before the anti-aircraft battery as gunners stand ready to repel an air attack. Credit: ACME Photo by Bert Brandt, War Picture Pool Correspondent.;

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Tough Stretch on the Road to Rome. ITALY—Here is an air view of Cassino Valley where the hardest fighting of the Italian campaign is taking place. The mist-shrouded valley is ringed by mountains which are mostly still occupied by German artillery units. In the center is the town of San Vittore, now in American hands, and at left threads the high road to Rome. Spearheads of the Fifth Army are reported to be two miles from the German stronghold of Cassino. (bottom left corner of caption is cut off).;

Norwegian Whale Killers on New Mission. AN EAST COAST PORT -- Three Norwegian whale killers are shown at an East Coast port as they are being converted into anti-sub patrol boats. These vessels will be manned by Norwegian crews with a U.S. Coast Guard officer and a gun crew on each ship. Their mission is to seek out the common foe and rid the shipping lanes of Axis subs. Credit: U.S. COAST GUARD PHOTO FROM ACME.;

No Title. Entrenched Dutch soldiers along German-Dutch frontier at Venlo where border incident between Dutch civilians and Nazi frontier guards occurred.;

Unknown Balkan City Before War Came.

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INNOCENT VICTIMS OF THE WAR. FRANCE—French civilians, both men and women, who were wounded during invasion fighting, are given treatment by US Medical Corpsmen. These people will eventually be shipped to hospitals with the other casualties.Credit: Official Navy Photo from Acme;

DIG-IN IN ITALY. T/5 Aziz Nery, of San Antonio, Tex., keeps in touch with forward troops of his element in Spigno from his protective shelter against enemy artillery. Aziz is with the Allied Fifth Army in action in Italy. No credit line;

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MARSHALLING YARDS AT TOURS. …Aircraft of R.A.F. Bomber…St. Pierre de…yards at To…, the night of april 10/11,…heavy…area. This British Official…which have been heavily…of the picture has received three…the bottom of the photograph has;

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SAFETY POSTS FOR ITALIAN ROADS. Pvt. Omero Del Papa of Galveston, Texas, drives a safety post into the edge of an Italian road, next to an overturned German tank.;

No Title. Set on fire by German bombers, building blazes in Namur, Belgium, towards which Nazi forces were driving today. (Cablephoto London);

One Truckload Coming Up. ANZIO, ITALY – Carefree and unconcerned with their plight, these German prisoners grin as they are removed by truck from the forward stockade on the Anzio beachhead to permanent encampments behind the front lines. The deluded Nazi warriors still believe that the war will result in a victory for Germany, even after they’ve had a taste of Yankee battle medicine.Credit (ACME) (WP);

Dispatches from the Front. ITALY – And here the front is uncomfortably close for this photo shows the news section of the newly inaugurated Anzio paper, called the Beach Head News, which is written for and by front line troops. It has four pages printed on a linotype machine, portable and miniature, of course. Looking over dispatches are Gunner Hargrave Andrew, London, England; Corp. Roger Flaherty, Norwood, Mass.; and Sgt. Frederick Bell, Pecos, Texas.;

No Title. … to an Invasion Ship..CILY – A giant column of smoke ma……United Nations ship engaged ……Sicily. Other Allied vessels……fiery cloud caused……bomb.;

Destruction of Louvain, Belgium, following German air raid.. Cablephoto today from London.;

Canadians Sail for Britain. AT A CANADIAN PORT -- A fresh batch of Canadian reinforcements for England, is shown waving good-bye as their ship eased out of its berth from an East Coast port. Credit: (ACME);

What Our Bombers Have Wrought. HAMBURG, GERMANY – Furiously pounding Hitler’s Festung Europa from the air, by night and by day, Allied bombers have sent tons and tons of bomb debris showering into the streets of enemy industrial and shipping centers. The wreckage is piled high on either side of this cleared path in a Hamburg street. The extensive damage was probably done during RAF and USAAF raids on the important German port during July and August, 1943.;

No Title. Near Nettuno, Italy. German bombing of American evacuation hospital. Red Cross flag sprawled out just behind bomb crater on hospital grounds was torn by anti-personnel bomb dropped by Germans. Over 100 casualties. L-R Nurse Lt. Sally Hocutt Wendell, N.C.; and Pvt. Marshall Floyd of Marshville, N.C.;

No Title. Lt Gen Mark W. Clark, Commander of the 5th Army in Italy, inspects area of French Mountain Division of 5th Army in rugged terrain across Garigliano River. Photo by Sherman Montrose, Acme photographer for the War Picture Pool.;

Noses Toward Italy. Sicily – Two amphibious jeeps take off from Sicily and churn their way toward Italy and the long-awaited invasion of the European continent. With such a short distance to travel across the Messina Straits, the land-sea vehicles could travel under their own power before landing in Italy to batter their way inland.(Photo radioed from Algiers to N.Y.);

No Title. Radio photo just received from Algiers via London shows British troops driving their amphibious ducks thru Reggio Calabria, Italy.;

No Title. Although the invasion of Axis territory is preceding successfully, it is not being carried out without casualties. Above, in the first pictures released of American dead on foreign battlefields, American paratroopers lie dead in Sicily, shot down by gunfire during first days of Sicilian campaign. U.S. Army Signal Corps Photo;

No Title. German civilians loot German freight cars cut off in Hanau, Germany by the 4th Armored Division. Signal Corps Radio Telephoto from Acme;

Dark Clouds Hang Over Romania. ROMANIA – Riding above this towering column of smoke is a B-24 Liberator of the U.S. Army 15th Air Force after its bombs started fires in the Astro Romono oil refinery at Ploesti, Romania. This latest attack by heavy bombers was one of the many smashing blows on the rapidly dwindling Nazi oil supplies. (Acme);

No Title. French civilians returning to Pont L’abbe after the Allied pushed the Germans from the town, pass dead Germans and samashed German Equipment. Acme via Signal Corps radio telephoto.;

One More Downed. WASHINGTON, D.C. – A German dive bomber plummets into Anzio Harbor leaving a trail of smoke, after being hit by ack-ack. The plane fell among the Allied ships lying at anchor in the harbor. Credit (Acme Photo by Bert Brandt for War Picture Pool via Army Radiotelephoto);

Hungarian Tank Ready to Help Hitler.

Citizens of Norway Freed by Americans.

Limie Brings a Belgian Pussy Home to England.

French Hospital Office...German Air Raid.

Greeks and Limies have a pot of tea in Crete.;.

Flak holes made on mission over Germany.;

No Title. Chief of Army Air Forces Gen. Arnold termed this raid on Fock-Wulf 190 factory at Marienburg, East Prussia as one of the finest examples of daylight precision bombing. One of 4 made Oct. 9, raid consisting of strong formations of Flying Fortresses and Liberators made deepest penetration into Germany. Photo shows bombs bursting around plant creating enormous clouds of smoke all within comparatively small area of target. Air Force Photo;

Citizens of Norway freed by Allies. Credit: Acme Newspictures, Inc.;

CASSINO UNDER ATTACK!. Shells from American artillery is seen bursting on besieged Cassino, sending up great clouds of smoke as the town is slowly pulverized to rubble in the fierce fight for its possession. Credit: Signal Corps radio telephoto from Acme;

No Title. This picture taken when a formation of U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 Mitchell bombers and an escort of P-38 Lightnings engaged an Axis air convoy of 35 planes over the Sicilian Straits recently and shot down 25 planes, shows Axis planes being riddled by machine gun fire during the attack. Note how splashes of water from shell fire of American plane (extreme left) almost engulfs lead Axis plane. American bomber (top) seems to be circling to resume attack. Twelve Axis transports almost at water level are under attack in this view. Credit: Official U.S. Army Air Forces photo from Acme;

No Title. First pictures taken from the German “Mar Newsreel” showing for first…German bombers actually dropping bombs on England as photographed from…plane in attacking group. Here a German horizontal bomber releases…bombs over England. Action caught by motion picture camer and …;
![No Title. [caption mostly illegible] Belgian troops giving up their arms after King Leopold’s…;](/media/16035/77092380.jpg)
No Title. [caption mostly illegible] Belgian troops giving up their arms after King Leopold’s…;

Meet Oscar and Nellie. CALIFORNIA -- Meet Oscar and Nellie, two dummies that serve as reconnaissance agents for paratroopers now on maneuvers "Somewhere in the California Desert." The dummies are dropped first, then if the air is smooth enough, paratroopers follow. Credit: (U.S. Signal Corps from ACME);

No Title. Rescue of survivors, HMS Dorchester in Indian Ocean;

No Title. A U.S. reconnaissance plane patrolling 14,500 feet over Solomon Islands located these three Jap cruisers (arrows) in narrow Buka Passage at northern end of the islands. Aerial reconnaissance plays an important part in fleet activities, giving exact information on the position and strength of enemy forces. Credit: Official Navy photo from Acme;

No Title. B-24 Liberators in air over Kiska, Alaska.;

No Title. Guadalcanal. Jap ship sinking.;

No Title. Hawaiians train in U.S.;

Onward to Warsaw - Then Berlin.

American Rangers Leave for Italy. With Sicily under allied control, U.S. Rangers embark from a port of the Mediterranean Island and set out for Italy. They don’t know that Italy is virtually ours, and have no idea of the sort of battles that confront them. Credit: OWI Radiophoto, ACME via U.S. Army Signal Corps;

No Title. Hidden away in one of many sheltered coves of Okinawa is this Japanese midget submarine and torpedo boat base. Anchored in cove is Jap “Sea Truck”, narrowly missed by bomb from attacking carrier plane. Thousands of these small craft shuttle back and forth from Jap homeland to nearby island possessions carrying small quantities of military cargo. Midget sub is seen foreground and several torpedo boats, covered with palm leaf camouflage, are tied up at right angles. Yanks invading Keramo Retto discovered and destroyed 290 Jap “suicide” boats of secret fleet which apparently planned attack invading forces. Credit: U.S. Navy photo from ACME Telephoto;

Japs Grounded—But Good. Huge billows of black smoke and dirt mushroom above the runway at the Japanese base at Saipan in the Marianas, as U.S. Navy carrier based planes blasted the field and installations last February 23rd. Nip planes which were caught “Flat-Footed” dot the runway—some of them already wrecked by the attackers. Credit: U.S. Navy Photo from Acme;

“We’re Not Easy to Fool Tojo!”.

Two American soldiers guard Lago oil refineries on Dutch island of Aruba West Indies where German sub once shelled installations. American and Dutch troops now diligently protect Dutch possessions in Western Hemisphere..

No Title. Reproduced from Japanese English-language propaganda magazine “Freedom,” published by Japs at Shanghai to give their version of internment of U.S. subjects pending their exchange, photo above is described by Japs as “play time” scene at a war prisoners’ camp “somewhere in Shanghai,” and shows prisoners playing volley ball under armed guard.;

No Title. Reproduced from English-Language propaganda magazine “Freedom” published by Japs at Shanghai to give their version of internment of U.S. subjects pending their exchange. Caption describes this pix as Lieut. Matsuda of Japanese Military Press Bureau advising internees of British defeat at Singapore.;

Warplane being repaired aboard a cruiser somewhere in Pacific..

US Army shelling Jap lines after relieving USMC.

Mobile Radio Station "Gets Around". ITALY -- War weary men and women of the Allied Fifth Army in Italy are mighty proud of their mobile radio station, officially known as the Fifth Army Mobile American Expeditionary Station, which gets its music and its "big time" programs to them wherever they are--in the front lines, or in rest camps. The hard working crew that moves the station's ten-unit "circus caravan" of Jeeps and trailers, and 2 1/2 ton trucks to various points in the combat area making sure that every group is reached at least once a day, have the moving operation down to a fine point. They can take the station down; move it 50 miles (which is the range of the transmitter), and set it up again, all within less than two hours. Here, with the Jive of a Fifth Army band set up outside the radio station "somewhere in Italy," Combat Engineers of the 337th Battalion (background), pause during a hike to watch this pair "swing it." The girl is New York stage actress Sarah Lee Harris, now with a USO troupe in the area. At the same time, the music is broadcast.;

No Title. 115-smoke dims the sky as a building within Manila’s famed walled city burns after Jap air attack.No Credit line provided;

As the U.S. Navy Struck Back. With the Pacific fleet – Guns of a U.S. cruiser thunder America’s first powerful answer to the Jap’s sneak raid on Pearl Harbor. This picture, among the first of our Navy’s sweeping victory in the Marshall and Gilbert islands, was made during the shelling of Wotje Atoll, one of the Marshall group. Shells and aerial bombs destroyed virtually all military installations and stores on the island, and sank from seven to nine ships anchored offshore. Credit Line: Pathe Newsreel (From ACME);

As the U.S. Navy Struck Back. With the Pacific Fleet – Guns from a U.S. cruiser thunder America’s first answer to Japan’s sneak attack at Pearl Harbor. This picture, among the first of the U.S. Navy raid on the Marshall and Gilbert islands in the Western Pacific, was made during the shelling of Wotje Atol. Enemy hangars, fuel stores and munitions dumps were set ablaze, and a number of ships anchored off the island, were sunk by shelling and aerial bombardment.Credit Line: Pathe Newsreel (from ACME);

As U.S. Navy Struck Back. With the Pacific Fleet – One of the U.S. warships taking part in the punishing raid on Japan’s Marshall and Gilbert islands in the Western Pacific, makes a quick turn to avoid enemy bombs. Only superficial damage was sustained by fleet units in the action which was America’s first powerful counter-blow on Japanese territory.Credit Line: Pathe Newsreel (from ACME);

No Title. When additional treatment is required patients are transported to the portable hospitals which are often no less than 800 yds to the rear and streams have to be crossed as shown here with Sgt. W.H. Manley attending 2 men while another member of the medical detachment aids in ferrying raft across stream. Signal Corps photo from ACME;

Liberator Makes Record “Three-Engine” Flight. Southwest Pacific – A stricken B-24 Liberator, piloted by Lt. Raymond L. Dufur, Portland, Ore., made one of the longest “three-engine” flights on record in the 13th Air Force when it returned safely after one engine was shot out and another was cut off temporarily as gasoline leaked towards red hot exhaust. The plane began to lose altitude and things looked pretty black for awhile until repairs were made and three engines were functioning again. Lt. Dufur’s crew is: left to right, front row: Sgt. Thomas Fann, Winter Haven, Fla., gunner; S/Sgt. Marion C. Wiatrowski, Chicago, Ill, radio operator; Cpl. Fred Cox, Vernon, Tex., gunner; Cpl. Wayne P. Moore, Gracemont, Okla., gunner (American Indian from the Delaware tribe) S/Sgt. Eugene Illingworth, Los Angeles, Calif., engineer. Back row, left to right: Lt. Bill Biddle, Ione, Ore., co-pilot; Lt. Raymond L. Dufur, Portland, Ore., pilot; Lt. Leo R. Nowak, 6710 Campbell, Chicago, Ill., Bombardier; Lt. Lester Arnold, Dayton, Ohio, navigator; and Cpl. Burlick Andreport, Jr. Eunice, La., gunner.Credit (ACME photo by Thomas Shafer, War Pool;

No Title. First picture ex-Philippines since hostilities sent American thru Australia shows Japanese aviators who were shot down & taken prisoner during raid on Manila.Credit: U.S. ARMY SIGNAL CORPS FROM ACME.;

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Americans Inspecting a Jap's Hole...New Guinea.

No Title. Fierce fires rage from Jap seaplane hangars set fire by U.S. Army Air Force bombing raid on the Japs’ Kiska, Alaska Camp area. Thru smoke from burning installations may be seen planes and boats in water. Credit: U.S. Army Air Force photo from ACME.;

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ROUGH AND READY RAIDERS. This photo, released in Washington today, shows two tough and determined U.S. Marine raiders as they were about to go topside on the U.S. submarine which brought them to Makin Island for the successful raid in which they took part, last August 17-18. Credit: U.S. NAVY PHOTO FROM ACME.;

No Title. A U.S. Navy auxiliary vessel, already packed with rescue men, stands by to pull still more of them from oily waters, where their vessel, a U.S. Army transport (formerly the S.S. President Coolidge) went down after striking a mine in the Solomon Islands area. Other small boats bearing survivors, also take part in the rescue work. Credit: OFFICIAL U.S. NAVY NEWSREEL POOL FROM ACME TELEPHOTO;

No Title. Men from the sunken U.S. Army transport, (formerly the S.S. President Coolidge) line the beach, while others wade ashore after their rescue by various types of naval units in the Solomon Islands area. Credit: OFFICIAL NAVY NEWSREEL PIX.;

Reds Understand Soviet Winter. SOMEWHERE IN RUSSIA—A light sled forms a practical mount for a sub-machine gun on the northwestern Soviet front. It glides easily over the snow and the sub-machine gun operator covers the advance of Red infantry. Blizzards are sweeping the Stalingrad front, bogging down Nazi units and trapping mines and tanks deep in the shifting snow banks.Credit: ACME;

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Blasted Orel is Recaptured. Orel, Russia – This is the scene that met the returning residents of Orel, when Red troops liberated the city in their crushing drive against the Germans. Gaunt, fire-scarred walls mark what had been a block of modern apartment buildings, (photo above), along Krasnoarmeiskaya Street (cq). (Passed by Censors).;

Yank Airfield in Russia. Russia – Shuttle bombing takes an a new and highly potent form now that it has been revealed that American airfields have been established in the Soviet Union. The first planes to land on the new fields were American “Flying Fortresses” after bombing enemy military targets in Romania. Soviet and American flyers – comrades-in-arms – are shown talking on one of the Aerodromes before a fighter plane. Credit: ACME Radiophoto;

ACME Cameraman Killed By Sniper's Bullet. Frank Prist, Jr., ACME Newspictures' photographer with the war picture pool, was killed by a Jap sniper's bullet on the 24th Division front in western Leyte, it was announced today. Prist (left) is shown here with Gen. Douglas MacArthur aboard a PT boat at Tacloban, Leyte, He was the only cameraman aboard the cruiser which took MacArthur to the Philippines. He has been overseas since February, 1942, when he left Australia with MacArthur's forces to follow the entire campaign up though the Pacific to the Philippines.;

Newest Flat-Tops Head for Action. One of the first pictures to be released of the U.S. Navy’s most modern, hard-hitting carriers on a combat mission, shows the flat-tops of the 25,000-ton Essex class strung out along the horizon heading for enemy-held Wake Island. Carrier-based Dauntless dive bombers, Grumman Avenger torpedo planes, and Grumman Hellcats have shot scores of enemy planes from the sky, pounded shipping and shore installations, and afford cover for our bombers. Credit: Official U.S. Navy photo from ACME;

Debut of B-29’s. ANSHAN, MANCHURIA – Mountain-high clouds of two-tone smoke rises from the Showa Steel Works at Anshan, as bombs from B-29s, of the U.S. Army 20th Bomber Command, seek out their target on the debut raid of the Superfortresses on July 29. Anshan is Manchuria’s largest industrial city, 60 miles from Mukden. Credit: USAAF photo from ACME;

Comfory Coiffures for Combat. South Pacific – It looks like these coast guardsmen are going to put on their own Easter show out in the South Pacific. They have adopted these novel (if somewhat abbreviated!) hair styles for comfort during combat in the steaming tropics. The gent at the left with the “openwork” teeth says it with a smile, while his buddy (right), does a “maiden swoon” profile for the ladies, with a “scalp-lock hairdo”.;

No Title. No caption provided, only photo.; .

These Men Died for You--! Here are the bodies of four American boys, who died on bleak Attu island fighting to free this bit of your land from the grasp of the Japs. Here they lie, far from home with only the cold North wind to sigh a requiem over them. On the rough, plain bits of board, (left in photo), are nailed the “dog tags” that identify these heroic dead as someone’s son, sweetheart, husband, or brother. They may have been killed for want of a bullet, a gun, a tank, or some piece of equipment that war bonds can buy. It is the duty of every American to make sure the men fighting with their lives for America, do not perish because of the selfishness of Americans! Buy a war bond today – and another – and yet another! Credit line (U.S. Treasury photo from Army Signal Corps via ACME);

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Yanks Take Cover. Southwest Pacific – In the remains of a cocoanut shed, United States troops, now engaged in pressing back the Japs, take cover “somewhere in the Southwest Pacific.” Credit line (U.S. Army radio telephoto from ACME);

MacArthur on the Spot. DUTCH NEW GUINEA -- Less than two hours after his American and Australian troops stormed ashore at Taoji, only 1800 yards from Hollandia Airport, Dutch New Guinea, Gen. Douglas MacArthur joined his men on the jungle beach. Here he gets the latest ... from a beachhead officer. Disdaining... danger, he went ashore without ...(pausing) wear a steel helmet. Credit: (ACME);

No Title. A United States war ship does a quick turnabout to avoid the death load of a Japanese bomber overhead during attack Marshall & Gilbert Islands. One of first photos bombardment Marshall-Gilbert islands. ACME from Pathe news;

Roi Littered with Jap Dead. Marshall Islands – Invading Marines move along Roi beach after landing on the island in the Kwajalein Atoll which was virtually blasted out of the Pacific by naval and aerial bombardment. Dead Japs were plentiful when the Leathernecks came ashore, meeting less opposition than their comrades in Namur. Credit (U.S. Marine Corps photo from ACME);

Rough Going. Northern Burma – Carrying food and supplies to allied forces battling the Japs in Northern Burma, these heavy U.S. Army trucks find the going mighty rough as they beat their way over soggy jungle terrain. Scene is the end of the Ledo road, the new overland supply route to China that is now under construction in Northern Burma. Credit line –WP—(ACME);

Navy Forces Pound Kwajalein. Huge smoke clouds stream from these U.S. Navy warships on a “bombardment assembly line”, as they pour tons of shells into flaming installations of Jap-held Kwajalein island, in the Marshall Islands, during the second day of the invasion, last Feb. 1st. Credit line (U.S. Navy Official photo from ACME);

On the Way to Bomb Japan. Somewhere-in-India, B-29 bombers, America’s newest air weapon were tuned up at a base in India and from there started PN their mission to bomb the steel center of Japan on June 15th. The photos were shipped from India on June 12th and were received in Washington June 17th due to the expediting by the air transport command. This photo shows, a crew of one of the B-29’s as they walked out to their plane with parachutes and Mae Wests for a takeoff. Left to right – Lt. Albert Bores, pilot, Monreevillle, Ohio; Lt. Harold Johnson, co-pilot, Duluth, Minn.; Lt. Don McComas, bombardier, San Diego, Calif.; Lt. Chester Klein, navigator, Dallas, Texas; Sgt. B. Lehman, crew chief, Denver, Colo. Cpl. James Foss, gunner, Palmyra, Wisc.,; Sgt. J. Matulauskis; radio, Chicago, Ill: Sgt. Elmo Erikson; gunner, Holly, N.Y.; and Cpl. Maurice Bruce, gunner Indianapolis, Ind. Credit line (ACME photo by Frank Cancellare for the War Picture pool);

"Up And At 'Em". Guadalcanal – U.S. Marine fighter planes prepare to take off from Henderson field, on Guadalcanal island, to join U.S. Army flying fortresses already in the air. Both groups on a common mission to blast Japs. Credit line (U.S. Navy photo from ACME);

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No Title.

Press inspection of motive in N. Africa by British officers..

Hey, Taxi!

No Title. ... From Algiers to NY shows Allied troops leaving their shallow-bottomed landing barges & wading thru surf to beach in Italy. They carry equipment to be used in crushing Axis defenses.;

No Title. ... From Algiers to NY shows solid mass of laning boats in Sicilian ... as Allies stream on board, ready to shove off for Italy.;

No Title.

Casablanca - - Target of U.S. Battleships. French Morocco – American forces have landed, the bombardment is over, and here is a view of the damage done to the docks at Casablanca. In the foreground is the French battleship, Jean Bart, hit fore and aft by shells which ripped her plates. Directly behind her are wrecked warehouses and in the right background is a freighter hit and partially sunk. No credit line information visible;

No Title. During lull preceding current British Egypt drive, Aussies throw selves on ground when ammunition bin in captured, smoldering German tank explodes. Tank had been heavily strafed y RAF planes. One of Aussies said “we went to earth in a hell of a hurry.” No one was hit. No credit line shown;

No Title.

No Title. British Moroccoan Armored Corps, 1940.;

No Title. LIBYA - Rommel's Afrika Korps captured by British.;

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No Title.

Blow, Blow, Blow.Somewhere in Tunisia—Given permission to blow their bassoons and make music to cheer their captured, war-weary comrades, these Nazi prisoners are wondering if it really was an ill wind that blew them into Allied hands. Life as a prisoner of the United Nations doesn’t seem half as bad as their Fuehrer painted it. A complete brass band was captured during the battle of Tunisia.;

No Title. ...Morocco - American soldier checks identification of French soldier.;

No Title. ...Algeria - Yanks and French troops meeting.;

No Title. American transport under fire in Africa.;

No Title. ...Negro seabees...;

No Title. Allied attack on ... Algeria.;

No Title. Yanks take to landing craft during attack on Algeria.;

No Title. Old Glory in Algeria.;

No Title. Yanks occupy ... Algeria.;

No Title. Italian ... troops captured by British ...;

No Title. British recapture ... Egypt.;

No Title. Axis tanker sinking North Africa.;

No Title. North Africa - Royal armored division.;

No Title. Tunisia, Africa - Captured Americans - Germans say.;

No Title. Tunisia - Burning American warbird.;

Soviets on the War Path. Russia—Despite temporary setbacks, the Russians surge westward, with fresh fighting power, such as these soldiers, continually swelling their fierce battling ranks. This column of infantrymen passes through an unnamed Soviet village on the way to the front.;

No Title. Convoy attacked by enemies on way to Russia.;

No Title. Convoy on way to Russia.;

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German Retreat. Cherkassy, Russia—Two German troop units are shown in the old Ukranian city of Cherkassy. One unit is retreating from the fast Red Army drive, while the other unit is moving frontward for rearguard action. The Red Army scored a victory which climaxed several weeks of operations of driving out the Germans from Cherkassy. Their last big stronghold on the middle of the Dnieper River. This picture was radioed from Stockholm. Credit: ACME.;

No Title.

No Title. Rescued Canadian seamen torpedoes off Jersey coast.;

No Title. 302 members of British Expeditionary force...arrived...destroyer. A southest England port from Dunkirk, ....;

Depth Charge.

No Title. A British...crew in action in Africa.;

No Title. English caravan destroyed by German air attack.;

No Title. LONDON, ENGLAND - Body of baby taken from ruins of air raid shelter.;

No Title. Air raid over France.;

No Title. Limies man gun in England.;

No Title. ..., FRANCE - French child finds rest under Stars and Stripes.;

No Title. Repairing shoes in England.;

No Title.

Lethal Cargo For Our Enemy. Skimming low over the water, a U.S. Navy TSB-1, torpedo bomber, cuts loose its cargo. Torpedo bombers are most feared by enemy ships. By boxing in their target on all sides, the deadly planes prevent the ship from turning in any direction to avoid an under-water hit that is designed to spread her wide steel plates.Credit: ACME official U.S. Navy photo.;

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Patrol Land Down Under. Squadron of American P-40’s manned by American fighting pilots on patrol somewhere over Australia.Photo approved by U.S. Army Bureau of Public Relations, Washington, D.C.;

What Happened to Nazi Saboteurs. Washington, D.C.—Marked only by rude boards bearing numbers of identification, these graves on the District government reservation (the rest of the caption is illegible).Credit: ACME.;

No Title. NY145-The U.S. Submarine “S-26” announced sunk with all but 3 of complement in collision Jan 24 off Panama was sister ship of S-29 shown here. See wires.;

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Canadians Entertain Kids at Christmas Party.

Southern Soldiers Return From Battle Fronts. These two wounded soldiers chat in a ward of the U.S. Army Hospital Ship “Aoadia” which docked Jan. 5 at an East Coast port returning casualties for treatment. Left is Sgt. Harvey Fitzgerald, 1858 Felix Ave., Memphis, Tenn.; Pfc. Raymond D. Horton, of Coleman, Tex. Is right.;

Texan Leads Bomber Group. Col. Reginald F. C. Vance, London-born commander of the U.S. 9th Air Force “Silver Streak” Marauder Bomber Group, looks out from the cockpit of one of the unpainted bombers at a base in England. Col. Vance’s group was the first to shed the olive drab paint, thus making the plane faster by about 10 miles per hour. His present home is on San Antonio, Texas.;

No Title. Here is Capt. Gentile’s “Nazi-Killer” technique. His right hand grips the “stick” with his thumb resting on the gun button, while his left hand (lower left in photo) rests on the throttle. Although some of the high-scoring Allied aces use both hands on the stick with elbows resting on their knees, while in actual combat, Capt. Gentile says, “I never touch the knee with my left hand, even in violent maneuvers.” Credit: USAAF photo from ACME;

No Title. U.S.S. Wakefield (formerly the Manhattan) afire at sea. Small ship at left is a destroyer. Credit: Official U.S. Navy photo from ACME;

War Birds in the Snow. A North Atlantic Port -- Douglas Dauntless Dive Bombers and Grumman Avenger Torpedo Planes are shown tied down on the snow-covered flight deck of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier in this photo taken at “a North Atlantic port” recently. Credit: U.S. Navy photo from ACME;

Nazi War Prisoner Married By Proxy. McAlester, Okla. - Married by proxy to his sweetheart in Germany, A prisoner of war (second from left front) in camp at McAlester, Okla., is surrounded by comrades who witnessed the ceremony. At left of bride’s picture on table is her bouquet and at right is small-tiered wedding cake. Oil painting, a wedding present, has been censored. Bridegroom wears a ribbon indicating he has received the Iron Cross, second class; the medals are a wound medal and an athletic medal. Credit: ACME;

U.S. Army Rifle Grenade. By the addition of this launcher-adaptor, this ordinary U.S. Army 30-calibre rifle may be quickly altered to propel a high powered rifle grenade. Such a weapon can be used with telling effect against enemy pill boxes and gun emplacements and covers the interval between the distance a soldier can toss a grenade and the much greater range of the mortar or the now famous Bazooka. Here, a soldier sights a rifle equipped for firing rifle grenades. Credit: U.S. Army photo from ACME;

Credited With 27 Kills. England - America’s Air Ace in the European Theatre of Operations takes time out from his daily task of downing German planes to freshen up with a shave. Once over lightly may be his mode of shaving but Nazi pilots haven’t been taking his air maneuvers so lightly. Capt. Robert S. Johnson, Lawton, Okla., has become America’s King of Aces in this war-toughened air theatre by shooting down 27 enemy planes. Credit: US Army Radiotelephoto from ACME;

Last Of Allies to Leave Dunkirk.

No Title. Rescue workers search bomb-wreckage heap in London for bodies following September 11 aerial bombing. Cablephoto from London today.;

Railroad Yards at Juvisy, Paris. On the night of April 18/19, 1944, R.A.F. Bomber Command dispatched over 1,000 aircraft on a large number of operations. In particular, forces of four-engined Lancasters and Halifaxes left England just before midnight to attack railroad targets near Paris. One of these was Juvisy, a dozen miles further up the Seine. British official photos show: Left - The Juvisy yards before the R.A.F. attack. (c.4295) Right - Exactly the same area on the afternoon of April 19. Note the complete disappearance of workshops, repair depots, signaling apparatus, warehouses, roundhouses and nearly all facilities. Rolling stock can be seen lying between the shattered tracks in grotesque positions. (c.4297;

Aulnoye Railroad Yards Destroyed. The R.A.F. Bomber Command’s heavy attack on Aulnoye, France, the night of April 27/28, 1944, caused specially heavy damage in the area of the sorting sidings. Each of the 32 tracks in this area was cut in several places and damage and destruction amongst the large concentration of rolling stock was very severe. There is 80 percent damage to the carriage and wagon repair shops. British official photos show: Above - The target after two attacks in March and April but before the R.A.F. Bomber Command’s concentrated attack of April 27/28. (c. 4330) Below - After the attack - almost complete obliteration. Tracks have been cut and rolling stock scattered in complete confusion. The series of curves, which now form the road at the top, have been made by vehicles and people passing around the craters and debris. The same type of paths can be seen in the railroad yard and have been made by people trying to get to the scene of devastation. (c.4331); .

Permanent Way Depot at Chambly, North of Paris. Claimed to be one of the most important and up-to-date permanent way depots in Europe, Chambly was the target of R.A.F. Bomber Command’s attack the night of May 1/2, 1944. British official photos show: Above - The target before the R.A.F. attack. (c. 4328) Below - The same area after attack. The points and crossings shop and the railroad ties impregnation plant, with their allied buildings, have been almost totally destroyed. The stores yards - which were well filled with stores prior to the attack - are saturated with craters and the majority of the contents destroyed or damaged. Many of the buildings have been completely obliterated. (c. 4329);

Amiens Railroad Yards Wrecked By R.A.F. Pinpoint Bombing. Great damage has been done by R.A.F. Bomber Command’s recent precision attacks on the important French railroad installations. Heavy blows have been struck at important links in the rail system on which the Germans depend for the movement of men and supplies in Northern and North-Western France. Reconnaissance photographs reveal devastation among rolling stock, tracks, locomotive workshops and rail installation generally. This British official photo shows a section of the Amiens yards after the heavy March attacks. Scores of craters overlap where once the tracks were, two locomotive roundhouses (top) are almost completely destroyed, and there is severe damage to a locomotive barn (top right). Rolling stock has suffered heavily. (c.4221);

MAILLY TANK DEPOT. On the night of May 4/5, 1944, aircraft of the Royal Air Force bomber command in strong force attacked this large tank and truck depot 40 miles Southeast of Rheims, France, with 1500 tons of high explosive and incendiary bombs. The Germans reacted violently to the attack on what was evidently an important military objective and sent up fighters in great numbers. Despite the pitched air battle fought over the target, the bombing went on with unfaltering precision. The marking was deliberate and exact and the bombing was well concentrated round the target indicators. These British official photos show: above – the depot before the attack below – the same area after the R.A.F. attack. No credit line shown;

ST. CYR FIELD AIR PARK & SIGNALS EQUIPMENT DEPOT. On the night of April 10/11, 1944, Lancasters of the Royal Air Force bomber command attacked this depot near Versailles, France. ... Above – Before the attack; a group of buildings used as a Signals Equipment depot believed to contain large stores of signals and radar equipment for the use of the Luftwaffe. ...Below – After the attack; Lancasters carrying 8,000-pound bombs produced this remarkable example of night precision bombing. There is practically complete devastation to this group of buildings.;

NAZI JEEP PROVIDES COVER FOR YANK, FRANCE –An American infantryman kneels low behind an overturned German amphibious jeep, taking cover from enemy fire at the front in France. The doughboy keeps this rifle on the ready, set to return fire that comes his way.Credit: Acme;

No Title.

BEFORE THE BLACKOUT. LONDON: - Dad overhauls buttons on his home guard uniform before going on duty; Mom starts another pair of khaki socks on her knitting needles, and junior reads of the thrilling feats of his day;

BACK IN ENGLAND – AND HAPPY TO BE THERE. This...soldier managed to save kitten mascot too.;

Oldest And Toughest. England – The oldest air gunner in the European theatre of Operations, S/Sgt. David Cole (Left) is also one of the toughest men in our Air Force. Formerly a taxi driver of Portland, Ohio, he is 43 years old and a veteran of the First World War. He is shown talking to the pilot of his Fortress, 1st Lt. Jack Fowles, 20, of San Jose, California.;

Watch The French Fight In Italy. Caption Torn and Illegible;

Day’s Work Well Done. France: The first paratroopers, who landed on the Southern coast of France, return from their inland foray and march through one of the French towns, on D plus one day, that they liberated with their assault. The paratroopers found almost no opposition in their air landings on D-Day.;

No Title.

AIRBORNE TROOPS IN SOUTH FRANCE. In this photo, one of the first received of the allied invasion of Southern France, gliders which carried airborne allied troops to the new beachhead are parked in fields after accomplishing their mission…..the remainder of this caption is torn – illegible.;

No Title.

No Title. Sailors aboard British ship cheer British paratroopers in small landing craft as latter speed back across Channel following surprise raid on German radio station at Bruneval, near LeHavre, France, Feb. 27. (ACME Radiophoto from Telephoto);

POUNDING NAZI AIRFIELDS.FRANCE – Eighth Air Force heavy bombers attacked six Nazi airfields in France on February 5th including the important aircraft repair and overhaul base at Villacoublay near Paris. A formation of bombs, whiz down… Credit line (ACME);

No Title. When facilities for transmission radiophotos from London to NY were restored today for first time since disastrous incendiary raids of Dec. 29, this photo was among those received, showing “General view ruined street in London”.;

No Title. Last of the B.E.F. passing wreckage in street of Dunkirk on way to embarkation. (Radio, Paris-New York. Passed by Censors);

No Title. Captured French soldiers in front of Palace at Versailles, according to caption from German source. Photo flown to Berlin. Radioed to New York;

Ferreting Out Enemy Subs is Their Job. Atlantic – Roaring out over merchant ships loaded with supplies for the Allied Nations, U.S. Coast Guard Patrol Planes take up their positions around the fringes of the convoy. A Navy Blimp weaves over the Merchantmen as Coast Guard Cutters Sweep the shipping lanes.;

Theater of Rest. London – Weary Belgian refugee children sleeping on mattresses placed between rows of seats in London’s Empress Hall after a hazardous flight from their war-torn homes. (Photo flown to New York by Clipper) Credit: ACME;

No Title. Gen. Pedro Ramirez (center) and Gen. Arturo Rawson (left) are shown addressing a crowd beneath the Government House balcony at Buenos Aires, Argentina. Photo radioed to New York from Buenos Aires. Passed by censor. Credit: ACME;

No title.

Budapest Bombed. England – Burning oil refinery and hits on crowded railroad yard indicate the successful first attack made by British and American MAAF when they struck April 3rd. Credit: U.S. Army Radiophoto from ACME;

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No title.

No title. Convoy arrives somewhere in Pacific.;

No Title. Jap transport before the boom.;

No Title. Jap prisoners in China.;

No Title.

No Title. American in China - On joy ride in China.;

No Title. In one of the first pictures from Australia since U.S. entered war, a crew member of a U.S. Army Air Corps “flying fortress” wears his oxygen mask and gives “thumbs up” sign before taking off on flight. Now in Australia, the ship is one which was been in action against the Japanese in the Philippines.;

Chinese air raid shelter.

Citizens of Norway freed by Allies..

Alaskan hut dweller. Cold, isn’t it?.

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Tanks on the move in France.

RAF action in Egypt.

Jap fliers load bombs.

Free French in England.

British house guardsmen escort downed Nazi airman. DOVER, ENGLAND - British house guardsmen escort downed Nazi airman.;

Watching the enemy fall. The shelling of the Italian coast being viewed from a safe hospital area.;

The beach at Morotai in the Pacific during assault by MacArthur’s forces.

Amsterdam bombed by the Germans.

Pardon me, boy! Is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?” No suh!

Allied bomber escort—Fighters over France

No Title. Dover, England—British Home Guardsmen escort downed Nazi airmen.;

A Nazi Panzer Unit patrols outside Paris, France.

No title.

President Roosevelt addresses Congress.

First full view of a 4-motored Douglas B-19 Bomber with scaffolding removed.

U.S.S. Iowa.

Bombing Jap-Occupied Burma. An aerial view of two simultaneous raids on important objectives in Jap-occupied Burma. The picture shows bombs from American aircraft bursting in a Jap railroad yard (at left) and blowing up twin bridges near the town of Myitnge (top right). The bomb bursts are about a mile apart. The bridges carry main north-south communications in Burma. Credit: ACME;

No Title.

Wounded being carried aboard British hospital ship.

Toughened by Fire. CAMP DAVIS, N.C. – That’s no pose. Elmer Moody, officer candidate at the Antiaircraft Artillery School, Camp Davis, has got practical battle experience behind him. As an American volunteer in the Canadian Army, he participated in several raids on the French coast in 1941. He also saw action in France during 1940 and was right in the middle of the Battle of Britain, hammering away at the Nazis with an antiaircraft machine gun outfit on the coast of England. Last year, the soldier who used to be a Pasadena, Calif., lawyer, transferred to the U.S. Army. Credit (Official U.S. Army Photo for ACME);

No Title.

Nazi Prison Camp. GERMANY – This is the Russenlager section of Stalag XXIIA, Nazi prison camp now in Allied hands. Liberated prisoners wander aimlessly over grounds not quite able to comprehend newly-won freedom. Thick crossed barbed wire fences surround the area;

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No Title.

Swastika Bites the Dust.

No Title.

Church in England Destroyed by Germans.

New 60 Ton Tank in States.

Newport News, Va – USS Yorktown slides down ways at Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock (Illegible).

No Title.

BLASTED RAILWAY YARDS AT FOGGIA. (Torn Caption) This photo flashed to New York by Radio… shows twisted rails and wreckage in … yard at Foggia, Italy, after it … by the Allies. When the city … the Germans it was a frequent … Today, British 8th … To have made a … Along the … Taken by A;

No Title. Ruins of their base (Sidi Barrani) in background, some of more than 10,000 captive Italians march away to British prison camp.;

No Title. SAVONE RIVER, FRANCOLISE, ITALY - British 8th Army captured the town of Isernia.;

No Title. SF76 – In a picture taken from a rescue ship, crewmen are shown rigging ladders over the side of their ship as they approach a torpedoed and burning tanker, the latest victim of Jap sub warfare off the Pacific Coast.;

No Title. Picture of Australian troops and tanks, in African desert warfare, arrived in New YOrk today simultaneously with announcement that Australian troops.... were stroming the Italian port Bardia.;

No Title. Life in a London "blitz" shelter;

Prelude to invasion. ENGLAND – Because it is generally conceded that the invasion of Europe will be the toughest venture of the war, Canadians in Britain are training day and night under spectacularly realistic conditions. Here T.N.T. charges are detonated by the “enemy” as Canadians land on a special strip of beach after a quick trip out to sea from another point on the coast. Two Canadians were hit in this maneuver, but not seriously injured.;

No Title.

No Title.

German Destroyer on Patrol Duty in North Sea.

No Title.

No Title.

No Title.

No Title.

Navy Speeds Arming of Merchantmen. Merchant ships waiting to be armed with guns in a shipyard "somewhere in the United States.";

No Title. Washington – Sharing in the hero’s welcome accorded General Wainwright was T/Sgt. Hubert Carroll of Paris, Texas. Carroll served under Wainwright for many years a his orderly and was also made a prisoner of the Japs at Bataan. He arrived in Washington aboard the plane carrying Wainwright and rode in the General’s motorcade. Credit: ACME;

Loudspeaker Guides Landing Troops. ATTU - Landing boats bringing American troops to the rocky shores of Attu, westernmost island of the Aleutian chain, receive their instructions...through a loadspeaker. Standing on shore amid...piles of crates and bags filled with supplies...and ammunition, this Navy officer broadcasts...commands to landing troops. Latest reports...Attu indicate that the island's rough...may delay the final American push...;

One-Half the Score. FUNAFUTI ISLAND, PACIFIC - This blazing only one half of the score of damaged U.S. planes chalked up by the Japan...when they raided Funafuti Island the day...American Army bombers smashed at Nauru. Few casualties and the two bombers was...only damage done by the Nips when smash timy Funafuti, the the Ellice Islands for the previous day.;

No Title.

Gag sign. SOMEWHERE IN NEW GUINEA – Just before he left New Guinea to cover the Marine Corps invasion of New Britain, United Press Correspondent Bill Wislen (background, left) had a leatherneck friend paint this gag sign for him. Corporal Walter Klaptosky of Scranton, Pa., puts the finishing touches to the sign, which reads: “United Press – New Britain Bureau”.;

Plasma on the double. METZ SECTOR, FRANCE – Could the folks back home witness sights such as this, where blood from a donor on the home front is pumped into the veins of this wounded Yank even while stretcher bearers are carrying him to a clearing station on the Metz front, well they would understand that the entreat for more blood donors is not merely idle solicitation. Loss of blood from wounds takes away life, and your blood can give that life! CREDIT (ACME);

Before the big push. SOMEWHERE IN NEW GUINEA – Waiting to leave a staging area somewhere in New Guinea for the invasion of New Britain, a group of doughboys and war correspondents chew the fat beside an Army tank. In the foreground are: Artist Gary Sheahan (left) of the Chicago Tribune, and Frank Prist. Jr., ACME Newspicture Correspondent (right). CREDIT LINE (ACME);

Needle in a Haystack.

French Resort Wears Camouflage Dress. Nice, France -- The camouflage dress on the buildings along the Quai des Etats-Unis, famous waterfront boulevard in Nice, signifies its change from a famous southern France resort to an important war objective. Nice was liberated by Allied invasion forces in southern France in the same week that Paris and Marsaille were taken. Credit: ACME;

No Title. Passing wreckage in street of Dunkirk on way to embarkation. Passed by censor. Credit: ACME;

Soviet troops rout German garrison. SOMEWHERE IN RUSSIA – Red Army men rush in to finish off Nazi stragglers after a fierce battle for the possession of a Soviet village during which the German forces were driven out.;

No Title.


No Title.

Texan Recieves DSC from General Eisenhower. Capt. Joseph T. Dawson (right), of 2800 Ashington Ave., Waco, Texas receives the DSC from General Eisenhower in a ceremony in France;

U.S. Burial At Sea.

Listen Brightly.

Cheering the Victors. Cheering The Victors Naples, Italy— Crowds of Neapolitans, many children among them, dash happily through a Naples street to greet men of the Allied Fifth Army as they enter the city. The first United Nations soldiers to reach Naples were given a hysterical welcome by civilians, young and old.;

No Title.

LST's Guardian Angels. Bougainville: Two barrage balloons dangle lazily in the air over several LST's unloading supplies for American forces, who have been pushing the Japs backwards into the jungle from the beachhead at Bougainville. The balloons keep Jap planes from making low-level air attacks. Far in the distance can be seen the smoking crater of Bagano, an active volcano on this spot. (ACME);

No Title. ...stern of the U.S.S. Wakefield as life-belted passengers and crewmen await transfer to rescue vessel after abandon sihp order had been given.;

Back From Germany. Washington, D.C. – Ten of the 14 wounded American soldiers who were repatriated from Germany in an exchange of sick and wounded are interviewed at Walter Reed Hospital. Group around Corp. Rodney M. Graham (on cot) are (left to right) Sgt. Edwin N. Nelson, Marshall, Minn.; T/Sgt. Frank J. Bartnicki, Moosic, Pa.; S/Sgt. Milton K. Williams, North Platte, Neb.; Pvt. Robert M. Scott, Greensboro, N.C.; Pfc. Herbert L Ehrich, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Pvt. Leroy M. Keith, Denver, Pa,; First Lieut. Albert W. Glass, Jr., Macon, Ga.; S/Sgt. Norman C. Goodwin, Haverhill, Mass., and Second Lieut. Glen M. Harrington, Ogden, Utah. (ACME);

No Title.

Carting Away The Loot.

No Title. The American Jeep really gets around. Here’s one aboard an unnamed aircraft carrier pulling a torpedo bomber into position to take off on the Navy attack on Jap-held Wake Island.;

Arctic Explorer Directs Army Plane Rescue. Greenland – Navy flyers rescue an Army plane crew in a daring take-off from a Greenland ica-cap. Lieut. Col. Bernt Balchen of the U.S. Army, the famous Artic explorer directed the rescue of this B-17s crew after it was forced down on an icy plateau in Greenland when the gas supply ran out. This photo was made from the Navy plane that made the rescue, showing the flying fortress after it belly-landed in the snow, its landing gears retracted. (ACME);

No Title. Toulon, France: After scuttling their fleet in Toulon harbor, French sailors are marched away to German concentration camps. Note German troops on motor cycles at the right of marching column;

War on the Western Desert-in California. To prepare his “Afrika Korps” for desert fighting, Germany’s field marshall Erwin Hommel had to resort to such improvisations as sun lamps and hot-boxes, but when Uncle Sam wants to stage a preview of war in the desert, he does as Hollywood does—he goes “on location” in a desert of his own, in California. Out at Indio, California, a group of desert raiders from an armored division practice the desert panzer tactics which are their specialty—breaking through to the rear of the enemy lines to raid, kill, and disrupt communications, and in general raise havoc. They call themselves “Gage’s Gangsters,” after Lt. John B. Gage of Cleveland, who is their leader.;