Daily Reports
On this page, you will find recent significant events reported to the Little Rock Police Department. These reports are often requested for review and on this page, you can view these reports daily by following the links below. Reports will be uploaded Monday- Friday and available each day by noon.
Important Notice:
These reports contain information provided to officers/detectives while on the scene of police-related calls for service. Each of these reports contains information that is further investigated by police personnel. It is important to note, that during an investigation it’s potential information provided on scene and in the preliminary stages of the investigation may change as depicted in the initial report.
Daily Reports
- 02-03-2025
- 02-04-2025
- 02-05-2025
- 02-06-2025
- 02-07-2025 (Nothing Significant)
- -------------
- 02-10-2025
- 02-11-2025 (Nothing Significant)