Historic District Commission October hearing

October 06, 2022 / 4 P.M. - 7 P.M.


Historic District Commission considers requests to make exterior changes to properties within the McArthur Park Local Ordinance District.  They also review historic based issues throughout the city to make recommendations to the Little Rock Board of Directors.

The commission is a Board of Directors appointed citizen committee.  The members is made up at a property owner/resident, a property owner, a representative of the Quapaw Quarter Association, an architect, and an at-large citizen.  They are charged with reviewing requests to make changes to properties within the Local Historic District to assure compatibility.  The Commission is also charged with reviewing any historic issues within the city limits and making recommendations to the Little Rock Board of Directors on the issue.


Willie Hinton Neighborhood Resource Center

3805 West 12th Street
Little Rock, AR 72204

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