LITTLE ROCK -- The City of Little Rock Public Works Department issued the following announcements today: * Beginning Monday, Feb. 3, for app…
LITTLE ROCK – Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. today announced the launch of an innovative partnership with ProTeam Tactical Performance to open a sta…
LITTLE ROCK –The City of Little Rock will mobilize an overnight cold-weather emergency shelter today and Friday because of forecasted below-…
LITTLE ROCK – In anticipation of bitterly cold weather, the City of Little Rock will mobilize its temporary, emergency cold-weather shelter…
LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock will demobilize its temporary, cold-weather emergency shelter on Monday as the period of intense cold…
LITTLE ROCK – City of Little Rock offices will be open as scheduled Monday, and residential trash collection will resume after being impacte…
LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock has implemented its inclement weather policy for city employees for Friday, Jan. 10. City offices will…
LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock is making preparations now for an impending winter storm expected to impact Arkansas's capital city st…
LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock's cold-weather emergency shelter will transition to 24-hour operations later today based on the intens…
LITTLE ROCK – The City of Little Rock's cold weather emergency shelter will be available each night this week until Friday, as Little Rock p…
LITTLE ROCK –In anticipation of cold temperatures and the possibility of winter precipitation, the City of Little Rock will open an overnigh…
LITTLE ROCK – With New Year’s Eve on Tuesday, City of Little Rock officials are reminding residents of the City’s prohibition on celebratory…