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Crime Stoppers
While officers are actively patrolling to keep our community safe, we recognize our citizens are the eyes and ears of the community. In most investigations, witnesses to the case and any video surveillance are a vital portion for officers and detectives to be available to d… residents/ police- department/ divisions/ special- investigations/
Special Investigations Division
(501) 918-3800
Major Jordan Neufer
Major Neufer was born in Charlotte, North Carolina before moving to Little Rock, Arkansas in 1994. He graduated from Benton High School in 2000 and attended the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, earning a Bachelor of Business Administration, con… city- administration/ cityclerksoffice/ mayors- of- little- rock/
Mayors of Little Rock
Town of Little Rock [1]
1. Dr. Matthew Cunningham
January 1832 – January 1833
2. Rev. W. W. Stevenson
January 1833 – January 1834
3. Elijah A. More
January 1834 – January 1835
4. David Fulton
January 1835 – November 1835[2]
City of Little Rock
5. James Pitc… residents/ police- department/ divisions/ major- crimes/ victim- services/
Victim Services Program
Welcome to the Victim Services Program of the Little Rock Police Department. Our mission is to provide nonjudgmental, informational, and practical support to all victims and survivors of violent crime in the City of Little Rock. We strive, through the pursuit of this mission, to pr…
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